by hollandrae | Aug 14, 2019 | Characters, Industry, Inspiration, Musings, My Books, Regency, Romance Novels, RWA, Women, Women's Rights, Writing
My family thinks what I do is pretty cool. They’re supportive, proud, and genuinely interested in how stories get made, how they get sold, and what, exactly, I will be doing next. That doesn’t mean they always understand it, though. Last week, we went away with the...
by hollandrae | Jun 24, 2019 | Musings, My Books, Reading, Research, Romance Novels
My grandfather was a writer. He was a songwriter and a playwright, a historian, children’s book author and general teller of tales for as long as history dates back. Up until the last, he was writing prose, crafting the perfect sentence and muttering cantankerous, but...
by hollandrae | May 14, 2018 | Characters, Editing, Heroines, Humor, Industry, Research, Romance Novels, Statistics, Writing
When it comes to titles, I am all or none. Some days, the blessed title deities generously bequeath the perfect name for my current work in progress, simply out of the kindness of their hearts. Other days, the well runs dry, the ground cracks below my feet, and I beg...
by hollandrae | Apr 9, 2018 | Art, Beauty, Heroines, Musings, Women
I tried to pick just one Juliet Marillier quote, I really did. But as I scanned pages of her quotes, from books I’ve read and reread, stories that have stayed with me through the easy times and the hard, I found the task impossible. How could I narrow down a...
by hollandrae | Mar 19, 2018 | Characters, Heroines, Musings, My Books, Romance Novels, Women
Okay, I’ll cop to it – I’ve used this title before. But that’s only because it’s so true. (And so good!) It also really fits into this week’s blog topic – a person who inspires me. See, I’ve been really lucky. No one is going to say that being a writer is easy. Even...