by hollandrae | Aug 3, 2020 | Editing, Intersectional Feminism, My Books
The truth is, I can’t do it all. As creative professionals living in a chaotic world, we can feel a lot of pressure to complete every project, accept every opportunity, and allow our personal and professional lives to cross over more than they should. Today, I’m...
by hollandrae | May 25, 2020 | Editing, Inspiration, Musings, My Books, Research
Recently, I told a fellow writer that I was struggling to write. It was all very frustrating, I explained, because I’m excited about this current series, I like my characters, and I’m attempting to have several completed works finalized before putting the first book...
by hollandrae | May 6, 2020 | Characters, Editing, Inspiration, Musings, My Books, Romance Novels
Will they or won’t they – it’s the most important, infuriating question of every romance novel. Will they give into their desire now, in the dark corners of the library? How about now, in the hidden coves of the rose gardens? Will they be interrupted by a gaggle of...
by hollandrae | Apr 27, 2020 | Art, Editing, Heroes, Heroines, Industry, Musings, My Books, Reading, Research, Romance Novels
When the Twilight series hit its zenith of popularity, vampire stories, love triangle stories, and YA fantasy flooded the market. After the success of Harry Potter and The Hunger Games, dystopian fiction with young, often female, protagonists, became inescapable in...
by hollandrae | Apr 20, 2020 | Characters, Editing, Inspiration, Musings, My Books, Romance Novels
(Or Why I Just Can’t Help Myself) Back in fall, I attended a writing retreat with some incredible presenters, and during one of the classes on GMC (goal, motivation, and conflict) I realized that I wasn’t making my characters’ lives nearly hard enough. Adding a...
by hollandrae | Apr 13, 2020 | Editing, Feminism, Industry, Inspiration, Musings, My Books
I don’t love cleaning out my cat’s litter box. I’d rather toss the trash and do the laundry than wash another dish, and I’m way too lax with scrubbing the shower floor, though I’m perfectly happy to yank my hair from the drain so it doesn’t clog. I’m still in the...