by hollandrae | Aug 3, 2020 | Editing, Intersectional Feminism, My Books
The truth is, I can’t do it all. As creative professionals living in a chaotic world, we can feel a lot of pressure to complete every project, accept every opportunity, and allow our personal and professional lives to cross over more than they should. Today, I’m...
by hollandrae | Jul 2, 2020 | Characters, Heroes, Heroines, Industry, Intersectional Feminism, Musings, My Books, Reviews, Romance Novels, Women, Women's Rights
I know, it sounds dirty. But DNF stands for ‘Did Not Finish’ and I don’t do it often. In fact, I didn’t even do it while I was reading this most recent book, by a famous, renowned romance novelist, whose work I’ve enjoyed in the past, but whose latest release is, in...
by hollandrae | Jun 8, 2020 | Industry, Intersectional Feminism, Musings, Research, Romance Novels, Women, Women's Rights
This panel was hosted in summer of 2018, before I moved to Nashville. I briefly considered making edits to this post, but the truth is that more remains the same than has changed in these years of fighting for equal representation, opportunity, and support, and so I...
by hollandrae | Dec 26, 2019 | Historical, Intersectional Feminism, Regency, Romance Novels, Series
I want to start by wishing everyone a happy and healthy New Year! 2019 was a wild ride for me: I had two new books come out, spent time exploring my new city, taught writing classes, and did a lot of writing! I was also lucky enough to enjoy some wonderful books, and...
by hollandrae | Sep 9, 2019 | Body Image, Characters, Feminism, Heroes, Heroines, Industry, Intersectional Feminism, Musings, My Books, Research, Romance Novels, Women's Rights
When I tell people I write romance novels, I get myriad responses. By far, the ones I find most offensive, (and I promise there are many offensive ones) are those people who ask, Do you ever want to write real books? Yeah. I do want to write real books. That’s why I...
by hollandrae | Aug 28, 2019 | Guest Post, Heroines, Industry, Intersectional Feminism, Reading, Reviews, Romance Novels, Series, Tour
I got to sit down with my friend Moni to chat movies, vampire mythology, and her series, The Oracle Chronicles. Author Interview When did you realize or decide you wanted to be a writer? All throughout my childhood and until I graduated high school I wrote. I would...