by hollandrae | Aug 28, 2017 | Characters, Editing, Heroines, Humor, Industry, Musings, My Books, Reading, Research, Romance Novels, RWA, Series, Women's Rights
Like many romance novelists, especially of my generation, writing romance was a natural progression from the online community of fan fiction, where we learned much about the female gaze, erotic and not-so-erotic sex, and how to play puppet master with characters and...
by hollandrae | Aug 16, 2017 | Characters, Guest Post, Heroines, Humor, Industry, Reading, Romance Novels, Tour, Writing
At this summer’s RWA17 I got to chat with the funny and totally wonderful Peggy Jaeger, author of Passion’s Pallet! I’m excited to share some of her stories, tips on writing and info on the new book with you! When did you realize or decide you wanted...
by hollandrae | Jun 26, 2017 | Art, Humor, Inspiration, My Books, Romance Novels, Writing
I went to the summer book sale today. Should I have gone to the summer book sale? The answer is an unequivocal no. Filling a shopping bag with second-hand books for just $8 and a good cause is the kind of feels-so-good-because-it’s-so-bad fantasy I write about...