by hollandrae | Oct 9, 2019 | Characters, Guest Post, Historical, Inspiration, Interview, Reading, Reviews, Romance Novels, Tour
I’m lucky enough that I get to share a new story from Catherine and Eleanor, two writers that brilliantly embody British love stories, both in modern and historical times. Here’s my review for their latest release, The Captain and the Theatrical, part of...
by hollandrae | Aug 27, 2018 | Feminism, Inspiration, Interview, Musings, Research, Romance Novels, RWA, Women
I am working on the coolest project right now. I get to profile the culture of romance writing in the 21st-century in a long-form magazine piece on a platform I don’t single-handedly curate. As someone who has read, written and advocated for romance for years, this...
by hollandrae | Apr 26, 2017 | Editing, Guest Post, Industry, Inspiration, Interview, Reading, Research, Romance Novels, RWA
I sat down with Katie McCoach to writing, business and passion! So tell us a little about your business – What sort of work do you do? How long have you been running the company? First off, thank you so much for having me! I always balk when someone asks me in-person,...