by hollandrae | Oct 28, 2019 | Characters, Feminism, Harlequin, Heroines, Industry, Paranormal, Reading, Regency, Series
I am a cowboy girl. I read cowboy novels, with sunsets and sweet, passionate kisses, and the kind of lovemaking that happens mostly behind closed doors and thick, rough ranchers hands and southern drawls. Obviously I’m a cowboy girl. What else would I be? If I could...
by hollandrae | Aug 21, 2017 | Characters, Heroines, Historical, Industry, Inspiration, Musings, My Books, Regency, Research, Romance Novels, Series
As many of you likely know, I write romance novels under two pen names. Last week, I talked a little about how this makes for certain challenges, keeping up with marketing and publishing schedules, and more. Despite all of that, however, I still genre hop within each...