I was getting up for that mid-afternoon cup of coffee when I got an email.
Any writer – author, journalist or poet – who has work out in the submission pipeline, knows the email moment. The notification pops up on your phone or in your inbox and your heart takes a wild, insane ride. First, it goes up – way too high up – as your expectations soar. Then, you ground yourself, reminders of just how much the deck is stacked against you flit through your mind. Your heart plummets. Finally, finally, you get the email open – your eyes scan, searching for those all important words – pleased, unfortunately, with regret.
It does get easier. I have gotten a lot of rejections. In fact, I pride myself on being pretty good at divorcing the rejection of my work from the rejection of me as a person. There are a thousand reasons why a submission might not fit with a publishing house, magazine or newspaper and none of them have to do with my personality. As of late, the rejections have mostly been for agent requests. Given that agents are very specialized, those thanks but no thanks have been rolling off my back pretty easily – through awhile back I got six rejections in five days, and one was at midnight on Friday. That was tough, give a girl a break.
So, I get an email.
Automatically, I know this is a bad sign. This publishing house will call if they want to move your manuscript forward. I know this, but I let myself hope anyway.
It is a very constructive rejection. It is a hopeful and kind and that almost makes it worse. Like, if I had just been a little better at this, if I had changed that one element of my 80,000-word manuscript, maybe it would have been enough.
Who knows? I’d like to say who cares, but I do care. It’s less about boo hoo, woe is me, no one likes my writing and more about the constant struggle to move forward with my career. If this publishing house had accepted me, that would have been it. But, since they didn’t, I’m back where I was and without even the hope or potential of this acceptance to make me feel like I might be working towards something.
Alright. So what do we do?
Well, this is it. This is the part of being a writer that sucks so much worse than the movies show. This part hurts.
Suck it up buttercup.
This is as much a part of being a writer as putting the words to the page. It’s as much a part of being a writer as the late night edits and the early morning social media marketing. This as much a part of being a writer as every submission, every query letter, every synopsis.
These are the writer’s twelve labors, the baptism by fire, the hot coals we have to cross in order to make this our careers. If it were easy, if there was a path made of smooth, cool stones to cross this lake of fire, then everyone would. Every single kid from your creative writing classes would be a writer. Every freshman who worked on the school paper would write for New York Magazine. But it’s not easy. There is no clear path. Rejections suck.
But they don’t kill you. It’s easy to be a writer on the day when the words flow and the Amazon rankings spike. It’s easy to be a writer at the party, where people ask you cool questions about your cool and mysterious job. It’s not those easy days that separate the weak from the strong, the successful from the I could have been a writer. It’s not the easy days. It’s the days like these.
So we pick ourselves up. We submit again. We edit, we query and we submit again. We submit again. No one said the life of a writer was going to be easy. But, if we’re still standing at the end of all this, it might just be worth it. ♦
How do you get back up after that hard rejection? Check out tips here.
Nothing comes easily on a silver platter.. You just have to keep going..
Absolutely! We keep pushing and it’ll be worth it! Thanks for reading!
Bold, beautiful and oh so damn spot-on, buttercup.
Thank you so much! Best of luck to you on your artistic adventures!
Great writing. Thank you for reminding us to just continue to write even during the hard times and rejections
Thank you so much for reading and your kind words! We just keep powering through! 😀 Good luck!
Thanks for this post! Very timely as i’m about to submit my first short story to a publishing house. Yikes!
Congrats! It’s totally scary, but totally worth it!! Best of luck on your new adventures!!
I was so inspired that I made a post in response 🙂 Check it out when you get a chance!
I saw and loved it! Thank you so much for your support and kind words–I wish the best for your artistic pursuits as well!
Awesome work! Definitely a needed reminder. Just think about the reward at the end of all this – to be able to look back and say you never gave up, but rather that you OVERCAME. Hang in there! Keep on keeping on.
I love that think! It will be worth it in the end if we don’t give up! Best of luck to you on your own adventures and thank you for reading!
Right back at you!!
Loved it <3 Totally relatable.
Thank you! Good luck on your own artistic adventures!
Reblogged this on Étude Life.
Lovely words. Hope some think works out for you soon.
Thank you so much for reading and your kind words! <3
Anytime. If you have any interest please take a look at mine and see what you think? Xx
Hi there, just wanted to offer you support! I too have become accustomed to the lit rejections, and every time my stomach sinks. Keep at it, fingers crossed the right agent will find you x
Thank you so much! It’s certainly a challenge, but the writing community is so supportive and I know the adventure will be worth it in the end. Best of luck on your endeavors! <3
Reblogged this on Cynthia Hilston – Author & Blogger.
Thank you for writing this.
This is the little push that many need to click on the submit button once again .
Thank you for reading–I hope you continue to find the courage to follow your passions! It isn’t easy, but it’s always worth it! Best of luck! <3
Writers are brave.
They expose their thoughts bare for strangers to read.
If that’s not brave, I don’t know what is.
Damn straight! I like this think–we’re the heroes of our own stories, right? Keep on the journey and thank you for reading!
Thank you!
Reblogged this on FRAGMENTED THOUGHTS.
Sometimes, rejection is a reason for you to be able successful as a writer,just wait and let god do the clear path on your journey.
I agree that we have to see it as a new step on the journey. Thank you so much for reading–best of luck on your own path!
Love your point about distinguishing the rejection of your work from the rejection of you as a person. The relationship between text, author, and person behind the work is an interesting exploration.
Thank you very much! I think for anyone to share their heart with the world, this can be challenging, but it’s the only way to succeed. Best of luck on your artistic adventures!
The more you rejection you face would help you value the acceptance in future
I’m sure you’re right! The rejection is definitely a huge reminder that this isn’t easy, but it is worth it! Thanks for reading!
Very true and highly relatable
Thank you for reading! I hope your artistic journey goes smoothly!
Well jotted. Face rejection with a brave heart and nothing can suppress your talent! 🙂
Thank you very much for your kind words! I believe that’s true–we put ourselves out there and stand strong! Best of luck on your artistic adventures!
I think this is just what I need it to read!
Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for reading! Best of luck on your artistic adventures!
This is inspiring because I can hardly get past actually making myself write half the time; thinking about actually trying to get published makes the procrastination a little worse if I think too hard about it. I like that you laid it out simply – it does make you kinda down to see your writing get rejected. I think we’re inclined to take it as a personal rejection because writing is part of us. But, like any work, it just means you have to try again and keep molding it and sending it out until it works. This is a great article that showcases that trial-and-error walk that writing can be. I think it would be great to show aspiring writers something like this because it’s a way of being nice about it without pulling any punches on the truth. I may have to show my students this soon.
Thank you so much for reading and your kind words! I’m sorry to hear you’re struggling with writing, but sometimes the best thing to do is sit down and do it and then do it again until it works. I hope you’re able to find your own journey to success and I would love for you to share this with your students. Thank you for reading!
Thank you so much for writing this, Holland! I’ve wanted to write books since I was eight, and I still haven’t finished anything to submit. Not because I don’t have ideas, but because I think I’m simply too scared to be rejected, because I know that will happen. I hope I one day will finish a longer project and submit it, and if I do I will keep your words in mind.
Wishing you all the best on your stories! Rejections happen–it’s part of the process! But if you keep at it long enough, it will pay off. Good luck! Thank you for reading!
Great post, and helpful to those aspiring writers who sometimes feel daunted. Following! 😊
Thank you so much! Wishing you all the best on your creative adventures! (Even the pros feel daunted!)
My whole thought process while reading this post: TELL ME ABOUT IT!
For a while, I had rejections for jobs and for stories I wrote. Both hit me pretty hard, as I was on my dad’s couch and had some health problems that made life a bit more difficult than I like it. Luckily I got a job and my own place and my health improved dramatically, but rejections still came a couple times a year, and it sucked. It made writing more difficult, because i didn’t think that anyone beyond a small group of friends and family would bother to read my stuff. The flow of new ideas even subsided and became a trickle, because I was just so out of sorts.
Still, I kept trying, and every little email in my inbox made my breath freeze.
This year, I’ve been lucky. My novel was accepted by one publisher, and two short stories were accepted by different anthologies. They may all be out in print by the end of the year. I still get rejection letters (one story I wrote that I was really proud of got rejected by three different publications, though one was kind enough to give me some pointers on how to edit it), but it’s easier. I’ve been making good progress on this story I’m working on now, and i think it could make for something good. It just goes to show that if you keep trying, eventually something will come out of it.
Good luck with your stories. Romance is the biggest genre out there, so I’m sure you’ll find someone who likes your work eventually. It’s just waiting for the right one to pick up your manuscript and think, “Hmmm, there’s something here that I’d like to pursue further.”
It sounds like you’ve made it through some incredible challenges and that’s so inspiring. We each have our own journeys, but hearing the stories of others’s successes is certainly a motivator to keep me going, so thank you for sharing! I only just moved out of my folks’ place this summer, so I understand the sacrifices we make to follow our passions. I wish you the best of luck on your artistic journey–thank you so much for reading and sharing!
You’re welcome. I hope you enjoy living on your own. I know I do.
Awesome post, thank you for the inspiration.
Thank you for reading! Best of luck on your endeavors!
Made my dentist visit more tolerable…I should dust off my manuscripts and try again *sigh*
Haha, rejections and dentists! Fun afternoon! But yes–give those manuscripts a new look, write a great query and put them out there! Good luck! Thank you for reading!
Great read. As an indie game developer I can relate to this all too well. As story creators and “crafters of experiences” we expose our intimate, often imaginary worlds wide open to criticism, and it can be *so* hard to suck it up. But by giving up one would flush down all previous hard efforts.
I want to entertain others. I must be prepared to shovel through the whole iceberg, not just the tip of it.
Keep doing your thing and *never* give up. 🙂
Thank you so much for your kind words! Yes, anytime we expose our artistic selves to the world, we have to prepare to be turned down. But that just puts us one step closer to success! Each rejection is closer to acceptance, right? Thank you for reading–keep kicking ass on your passion!
I enjoyed this post…you had me at the title. Now I can’t get Sounds of Silence (great idea) out of my head. That’s okay, though. 🙂
It is hard to push forward in such a solitary endeavor – rejections and all.
Haha, I’m sorry! And you’re right–writing is very solitary, but when you surround yourself with a good base and keep thinking ahead, it will be worth it. Best of luck on your artistic adventures!
I have to first read through all other post to learn from the contributions. It seems that rejection of ones writing by an agent or publishing company is like rejection after a job interview; worse after crossing many initial candidates knock out stages. So, how do a writer (like a job hunter), “survive” during the period when the works are rejected and there is no income flow?
Thanks so much for reading! It’s definitely more frustrating the closer you get to success. As far as writing as a job goes, you have options. I freelance write now, as both a journalist and marketer. I’ve nannied in the past because it pays well and provides endless inspiration. Every author will have to find their own way of supporting their passion, but if it truly is your passion, you will find that way. Best of luck to you!
I am an English major and am slowly realizing that rejecting is the AIR writers breathe and we have to suck it up. I love this!
Yes! The more rejections you get, the closer you are to the acceptance! Keep at your passion! Thank you for reading!
Haha I couldn’t help but smile all through the article because you were speaking my mind. I have been rejected a number of times now and I still keep writing and submitting. It shall be worth it someday, I know.
Wonderful! Keep your chin up and your eyes forward and it will all pay off in the end! Thank you so much for reading and all the best on your artistic adventures!
Hi, thanks a lot for sharing your experience and cheer up all of the writers out there. I’ve been trying to write my first book for a while, getting lost inside what it could be instead of actually writing it. You’ve inspired me to be more proactive since rejection do not kill, thank you, hope all your dreams come true.
Thank you so much for your kind words! You’re absolutely right–rejections may pinch, but we keep our chins up and eyes forward and we’ll see success in the end! Best of luck to you!
Exactly, exactly what I needed to hear today. Got a rejection email for a poem I poured my soul into last night and I’ve been doubting myself all morning. This post really helped to get me back on my feet today.
I’m so glad! I’m sorry to hear you’re facing challenges, but these are just steps to success. Wishing you all the best in your artistic endeavors!
I remember this feeling too well! My hands would shake, my heart would race, and my mind would be spinning as I wondered what it would be like if they requested to see the full manuscript, if they requested to see a partial–and then I would remind myself that it was likely a form rejection and I shouldn’t get my hopes up. Twice–and ONLY twice–did I open an email that was something better than a form rejection. And only ONCE did I get an offer of representation. All it takes is one person to believe in you and your work! Keep going and the right agent will find you <3 <3
Oh that is fantastic, thank you for sharing! It’s definitely part of the process, but it keeps us going and will be worth in the end! I love hearing success stories–all the best to you!
Thank you very much!! I agree. And I love hearing others’ success stories, too!
This piece reminds me of my endless rejections in all sorts of endeavors.
The worst rejections are the smiling ones looking like a ‘yes’ followed by silence and cut. The irritating ones are the automatic rejections using a template. And the best are the straightforward ones followed by positive criticism.
The good news is that after enough ‘Thank you, but no…thank you!’, you stop counting. After you stop counting, you stop carrying. And after you stop carrying, bang…it happens!
I guess, it’s the attachment that hurts the most when another ‘no’ says ‘hello again’.
Ooph, they definitely all have their ups and downs. But you’re right, chin up, eyes forward, and it will all eventually pay off! Best of luck to you and many thanks for reading!
Great piece! Loved it. I know it did not come easy.
Yes! very helpful content, its gives a motivation.
Thank you! I’m so pleased it hear it–all the best on your own projects!
Thank you because of that I will do the best I can to do may projects!
I think that I usually assume that I’m going to get rejected so I try not to get my hopes high, but I’m pleasantly surprise when the answer is positive!
Yay! Cheers to positive answers! Best of luck to you on your artistic adventures!
Reblogged this on Memórias ao Vento.
Thanks for writing! I love how this post normalizes the rejection process and how you highlight that it was a process for you to be able to move past rejections and separate them from a rejection of yourself as a person.
Thank you so much for your insight and kind words! Rejection is definitely part of the journey and that makes it easier to manage. Tough, but you get through it!
Well Holland Rae, I think you’re a great writer. I really enjoyed reading this.
That’s so kind of you! Thank you so much for reading! <3
The best things in life are worth working at.
Agreed! It will be worth it in the end!
Well said. Thank you, sir (insert heart). Even when you are not writing exactly to my issue, your words mean a lot. Well spoke, well written… well TIMED. I will share it with 2 others and they will appreciate the thought as well I believe. Thx.
Thank you for reading and sharing! I’m glad we can share this common experience–wishing you all the best on your next steps!
These struggles will make the triumph moment a euphoria. Thanks, ‘coz you covered not just writing but perseverance, patience, resiliency and passion. I guess one of the secrets is, never quit. 🙂
Couldn’t agree more! It isn’t always easy, but it will be worth it! Thank you for reading and your kind, insight words.
Thanks for the Post. I had got rejection few years back and was really upset. But over time had overcome it. And now started writing again. Your post made my day. Indeed rejection is the thing that inspired me to write my own blog.
I’m so glad to hear it! Sometimes we have to forge our own ways, but it is possible if we don’t give up! Best of luck on your next steps!
It is of course that pain of rejection that makes a writer. All great writers were rejected at some point in their life. Your post gave me an inspiration to bear through the pain period and keep moving forward
I’m pleased to hear you’re not giving up! This journey isn’t easy, but it will be worth it in the end! All the best on your adventures!
Great article! Especially with newer writers, getting feedback is the most important part of the process. Take it to heart (with a grain of salt, of course) and hopefully your writing will improve.
Thank you so much for reading and your kind words! All the best on your adventures too!
I loved reading this article. I am very new to the world of writing, with a recent desire to follow my desire to become a writer. I have had my own rejections already but I’ve swallowed it down, stopped myself as best I could from falling down that dark, depressing rabbit hole of self doubt and just pushed forward and I’m working harder to make sure that I better myself in every possible way I can.
Without rejection and finding out what we did ‘wrong’, we will never grow. And you’re absolutely right, it’s not the easy days that make you a strong and successful writer. It’s the days of rejection, the days where you feel like you just have nothing to write yet you find a way to write, it’s those days and those struggles that make you successful. Being a writer is not an easy job but it can be so rewarding when your hard days pay off and you get that acceptance email. That’s what we’re all striving for. 🙂
Thank you so much for your kind and insightful words! No matter where you are in your career, rejections mean you’re on the path to success. Wishing you all the best on wherever your career may take you! <3
Reblogged this on Elle.
Thanks very much for sharing <3 In a way, it is very reasuring to read this. I'll keep for "days like these", when you are just calling everything into question.
I hope they are few and far between! Thank you for reading and your kind words–best of luck to you!
this is beautiful. Rejection is natural and a part of life. It helps us grow and figure what could have been better. This has definitely been my motivation for today!!
I’m so pleased to hear it! Rejection is easy to bear when we know we’re not alone and that it’s part of the process! Wishing you all the best on your journey–thank you for reading!
However ,it’s not always easy to remember that we aren’t alone. A lot of times we feel everyone and everything is against us and we let that idea overwhelm us a little too much causing us to stress and sometimes, unfortunately leading us into bad and unhealthy mindsets
Thank you for encouraging, inspiring, and sharing with us. It is so easy to get weighed down by negativity in the ever-evolving world of social media- piling on pressure in a way that never used to exist. I have wanted to write the story of my personal journey but just knowing that I will face so much rejection and criticism is a daunting obstacle. I admire the true bravery of writers such as yourself. Many days I don’t feel strong enough to bare my soul knowing it will likely be shot down. I found my mind focusing more on the acceptance and reception of my work than the actual work itself. Anxiety became a cloud fogging up my brain. A few days ago I finally struck a compromise with myself; I started a blog. I can now share my life, my thoughts, and be vulnerable in short scheduled doses. All of a sudden I don’t feel the weight of judgment- I can take it literally day by day. With any luck those blog entries can be the inspiration and foundation for the book I always wanted to write. It’s quite ironic that I took this route to avoid the negative feedback when the internet is full of the harshest critics. I suppose I’m hoping that comments and input on isolated topics and moments that I write about will help me to move on to each new post a little wiser. Your persistence and commitment is inspiring, and I only hope that I can grow to a point where I stand as proud and fearless as you do. I envy your courage and the way you jump in head first… I seem to be crawling. Your words will stay with me though. Plus, I have to learn how to crawl before I can walk. Thank you again.
You’re absolutely right–each of our journeys is our own and it is important to be true to who we are as writers and people in order to produce our best work. I’m sorry to hear you’ve had challenges, but it sounds as though you are succeeding in the best way possible for you–don’t ever give up! Thank you so much for your kind words and all the best on your next adventures!
Always keep going..Nice blog
Thank you so much! Best of luck to you!
Thank u
Thank you for this, it was a much needed reminder to just keep going. :0)
Thank you for reading! It isn’t always easy but it is always worth it–best of luck to you!
In a world where everyone tries to focus on the positive and ignore that any negatives actually exist, it’s so refreshing to read something that not only address rejection, but shows how it’s not always such a bad thing. I love your style of writing, and I’m so happy I’ve found your site!
Thank you so much for your kind words! It’s easy to be angry and upset, but that doesn’t help us in the end. So positivity it is! Best of luck to you on your adventures!
Never give up! It took me a couple years but I finally got that elusive ‘We loved your story and would like to read the complete manuscript’ email. Then a few weeks later, I signed a contract with them. Wish you all the best!
Fantastic! I love hear success stories! Thank you so much for your kind words and best of luck on your adventures!
Thank you!
LOVED this. It is so very accurate. It is funny because I have gotten to the point where acceptance actually makes me freak out more then rejection. Rejection still shelters me, as illogical as it sounds, because I want my work seen, by getting accepted, it means many people will be critiquing then just that one editor or agent. Ahh the mind of a writer :p <3
Haha, oh ya, we come up with a lot of great self-sabotage techniques 😀 But it will work out and it will be good in the end. Best of luck on your own journey!
One thing about it, there will come a day you will get that Yes and it’ll make all the no’a worthwhile. Keep pursuing, what’s for you is for you.
Thank you for your kind words! I believe you’re right–it’s just a matter of not giving up! Best of luck on your own adventures!
Oh so very true. Everything makes you stronger!
Couldn’t agree more! We keep looking ahead and we’ll get there!
Beautifully written
Thank you very much!
Great work man..
Some valuable points to be followed for never failing
Thank you so much!
loved your post. I was once an aspiring writer, and I suppose, I still am, although, I have a different career path now. I do still have wishes of one day creating something I am proud of. Thank you for being an inspiration 💋
You can be many things in love–if you love it, never give up pursuing it! Thank you so much for reading–best of luck on your journey!
So beautifully written. ✨
Thank you so much!
You are welcome:)
I enjoyed reading this very much. Thank you for sharing. A No is one more step closer to a Yes, just by statistics. Have a great day!
Thank you so much for reading and your encouraging perspective! We keep going until we reach our goals!
So true. While most people might feel that being a writer we have it easy and can do our work at our own pace and from where we want too. Only if it were that simple. It’s those days which most people consider fun and which come across as relaxed days spent writing which are the toughest. It’s the constant constructive feedback which makes it even more difficult. Nicely written. Looking forward to more of your writing 😊
Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words. Writing definitely looks easy from the outside, but we know better! Still, we love it, so we keep doing it. Wishing you all the best on your artistic journey!
I am so scared of rejection I can’t even submit my work. Even showing it to friends and family is petrifying. Thank you for your article, knowing that everyone feels the same way helps a lot.
I hope you find a way to share your writing with the world! Rejection is a part of being an artist, but even the professionals have to deal with it, so there’s always hope for success! Good luck on your journey!
Thank you for this. It’s time for me to let go of this fear and get these submitted.
Damn straight! Acknowledging rejection as part of the process is the best way to overcome the fear and share your work with the world! Good luck!
Reblogged this on A Populous Solitude and commented:
This feels particularly pertinent at the moment, probably because I’m on a job hunt, and rejection just seems the norm. It’s a hard pill to swallow.
Writing is not as easy as others think about it. I opt not to give attentions with their comments and reaction but what i want them to realize is that to write is our passion and writing is the only way on how we can express ones thoughts and feelings ☺️💕
You’re absolutely right! Writing may seem easy, but we know it’s challenging and fraught with disappointment. Still, we’ll never give up!
Writing is not as easy as what others think about it. I opt not to pay attentions on their comments and reactions but what i want them to realize is that writing is a passion, to write is where we can express ones thoughts and feelings ☺️💕 Love reading this. It inspires me a lot ❣️ Thank You!
Best of luck on your journey!! <3
Love it
Thank you so much!
I wish you the best in your writing career.
Thank you so much for your kind words! All the best to you!
Rejection in any other form still hurts. Whether it is a client not liking the house you showed them, or pulling an offer off the table after a lot of work has been done. However, as you succinctly summed it up, these rejections don’t have to define you or anyone as a person. That’s why I love what I do and the process that comes with the rejections because that’s the only way to get better.
I’m so glad to hear you have a way of managing your rejections. It’s true that in any creative field, we have to compartmentalize and handle it. All part of the process, right? Best of luck on your endeavors!
This is really inspiring to me! Rejection is a huge part of life, and it’s hard to act like it doesn’t hurt. All that matters is picking yourself up 😊
Rejections sting, and it can be depressing when they come in batches, but there’s always next time. As a wise old woman once said to me: “Start the day right, no matter what yesterday was like.” Because yesterday is in the past. Learn from it and move forward.
Onward and upward and faster! Tallyho!
I already have a book published and still cannot find a home for my second one! Humbling to be sure! It is simply not personal…just a matter of not being able to take but a ridiculously small percentage of submissions. Good luck! Donna
Wow man…great post. I’ve just really started writing this year for a newspaper – freaking out every time the editor heavily revises my work. I’m no journalist for sure. Just a writer. But this is encouraging to accept the revisions. They’ll make me better. Thanks!
Reblogged this on Título del sitio.
Your writing jumps off the page! Wish I could write like you. Good luck!
Thank you so much! I’ve been writing and studying for a long time–keep honing your craft every day! <3
Hey, this sounds so real. The fear of rejection does pull down one’s soul and the greed of acceptance keeps the fire on. I am a first time writer and working on a book. Dont really know how many rejections are written for me. But as you said one has to cross the path of burning coal, so am getting ready.
Damn straight! Rejection is part of the writing process, but the more you get, the closer to that one yet you are. Keep going until you get to your definition of success.
Best of luck on your artistic journey!
Started with this blog here
Just keep publishing….. Your blogs are amazing
Thank you so much for reading and your kind words! <3
I just wanted to ask you that can you please guide me sometimes with my blog? It’ll be helpful for me🙂
Why don’t you shoot me an email through the Contact Me page and we can chat?
Thank you so much for helping me. You are giving me your precious time that is more for me. And whenever I will find something difficult I’ll contact you for sure🙂
wow! you just gave me a food for thoughts.Thanks
I’m so pleased to hear it! Thank you so much for reading–best of luck on your artistic adventures!
thanks a lot too,can u please just check out my last Post on my page it might look meaningless to you. Please just take a look
Keep going..friend..best wishes
Thank you so much! <3
Amen amen amen! Lol great piece.
I so appreciate it!! Best of luck on your own artistic journey!
Thank YOU so much! I’m new to this but hoping to spread some inspiration! I hope you find a moment to check it out 😁
Thank you for sharing this, I have such a hard time sharing anything of my writing because I constantly feel and worry that my writing isn’t good enough and I think it would be less painful to keep it to myself and never share it, rather than to share it and have people say it sucks! Just got back into blogging and for me its like dipping a toe in the water. It’s all progress as long as it’s forward.
When you see rejection as part of the process, it becomes much easier to manage. I wish you the best of luck on your journey and hope you’ll keep going! <3 Thank you so much for reading!
This is timely encouragement. I have come by before, but I read this again.
Thank you so much for your support! Wishing you all the best on your own artistic journey!
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Oh man, I loved this post! Thanks for sharing. I’m happy you’ve learned to deal with rejection and persistence, as you said, is key. Just gotta keep knocking and eventually those doors will open and God has a big door ready for you. This motivated me to continue writing. Thanks again and God bless you always!
Thank you so much for reading and your kind, positive response! I believe you’re right! Best of luck on your own artistic journey!
Very well told. A must for every aspiring author like me.
Thank you very much! Wishing you all the best on your own artistic adventures!
Welcome and thank you
As much as rejection hurts, it is much needed. At least for me, rejection always encourages me to come back swinging.
That’s a great perspective! It’s important to remember what we’re working toward! Best of luck on your artistic journey!
Thank you Holland for this blog article. Rejection should be used as feedback, not as a way to feel sorry for yourself.
By the way, if you’ve never checked out my blog, here it is:
Geary Erua.
Thanks very much for reading and your optimism! (And link!) Best of luck on your journey!
Yep. I now know the feeling. You end up spending 20% of your time writing and 80% promoting, submitting, emailing…
And sooo many rejections!
Amen! But if we remember what we’re working toward, that keeps us chugging along! Best of luck on your artistic adventures!
Rejections lead people and things to the perfection. Never step back from touching on “submit” once and again and again…good luck!!
Amen! Keep going until it sticks! Best of luck on your own journey!
thank you😊
It;s difficult to be a writer. Nice post!!
Difficult but worth it! Thank you so much for reading!
Rejection makes you stronger and be prepared for the next rejection…….
Amen! We keep getting up until we don’t get pushed down! Thanks for reading!
I love this !! So true !
Thank you!! Good luck on your own artistic adventures!
Keep the spirit up!
Thank you so much! To you as well!
As a writer, and as a current job applicant, this is something I really needed to hear !! Thanking you for sharing and for giving hope 🙂
Thank you so for reading! I’m in the same boat, and it’s important to never give up! Best of luck on your own artistic adventures!
Reblogged this on In Search Of The Missing A.
Never give up. Writers and rejections is synonymous. However, good work will be appreciated someday. All we can do is keep going.
That’s absolutely right! Keep up your optimism and best of luck on your artistic adventures!
Yup 😊
When life hands you a lemon squirt life in the eye with it
Haha, success is the best revenge, right? Thanks for reading!
Great Read! Nailed it right on the head…I hope you and I both succeed in our goals as writers and continue on because we love what we do! Thank you! 😊
Yay! Solidarity and camaraderie makes a huge difference! All the best on your artistic journey!
Woah. This really touched me. The constant hard struggle and not giving up is something not every other person can do.
The not giving up is the hardest part. But if you keep getting up, your goals will be realized. Best of luck to you on your artistic journey!
Thank you. I really mean it from the core of my heart. And all the best to you too.
<3 <3
After so many rejections, or not even submitting for fear of rejection (which is my case) it’s hard to put myself out there vulnerable. All things I write about are either true stories of my life, or my poems and short stories. Of course, I think that they are worthy. Over the years I have trashed so many because they didn’t meet my requirements, and I have scrutinized and critisized my own work to the point that I feel that it is perfection. And because I wor so hard on one piece, I can’t imagine if I am being that hard on myself, what others would think. My blog is just trated, some are just a few little rants, some are a few poems I’ve written or a slam poem. I just feel that with my already low self esteem about my writings, that I could not internally handle other folks critisicms and rejections. I have been trying to get past that, as my blog does not have a anme or a face, just anonimity so thatI feel that I would be less embarassed to put myself out there on such vulnerable material. Thanks for listening and I hope that you continue to succeed in your enture, as I try to get mine off the ground… alittlebutnotalot
Thank you very much for sharing your story! I think we all define success differently, so if success for you is reaching that standard, keep working toward it until the piece is perfect. The truth is, rejection is a guarantee when it comes to art, but if you think of it as a stepping stone toward better work and commercial viability, then it becomes much easier to bear! Wishing you all the luck on your journey!
I hope that you do not mind that I pasted your url for this post on my WordPress in a vlog called Creativity, A Dying Breed. I felt it necessary, as I read your blog and felt that I could relate, but not so much as rejection, but afraid to submit for fear of rejection. I felt that your post had a lot of weight of where I was coming from and was thought provocative and a great motivational piece. Thanks
Thank you so much for sharing! I think normalizing rejection and acknowledging it as part of the creative process makes it much easier to manage. Best of luck on your own artistic journey!
nice 🙂 I was amazed by this 🙂 keep it up !
Thank you so much for your kind words! <3
Very nice article. I can totally relate to the feeling. I think soon I will make into the Guinness book of records with the number of rejection emails I have in my inbox 🙂
Every rejection is a step closer to acceptance, my friend! Good luck on your artistic adventures!
Thank you!
This is so inspiring. We shouldn’t give up cos we’ve been rejected.
I couldn’t agree more! Thank you so much for reading and best of luck on your own artistic journey!
Wow! This is super inspiring. Thank you <3
Thank you! Best of luck on your own artistic adventures!
Aaw thank you, I really appreciate it 😊
This cringing buttercup thanks you for the inspiration! Which I will try to take to hear.
Rock on!! Get up one more time than you get knocked down! Best of luck on your artistic adventures!
Thanks for sharing! I find myself afraid to write at all sometimes because of the fear of rejection. Needed this reminder!
Thank you so much for reading! When we remember that rejection is just a part of the writing process, it be comes much easier to manage. Best of luck on your own artistic journey!
Reblogged this on Funny is the New Hot Blog.
Very well written and now going to read your another article. Thanks and all the best
Thank you very much for your kind words and reading! Best of luck on your own artistic adventures!
You are welcome
Reblogged this on Samina Afshan Baig.
In my country, they don’t even bother to reply at all if they don’t like the manuscript. A writer is only messaged back if he is approved. I’m not sure what case is worse, but in any way it’s sad.
I agree–sometimes the not hearing back is the most challenging part. Regardless, keep getting up–and good luck!
I remember the thrill I felt when my first comment on some anonymous philosophy – blog appeared , it felt like I were published by Everyman’s Library . To know that one is not alone in this, helps.Thanks for sharing.
You aren’t alone! Rejection is definitely part of the process and it helps to remember that. Best of luck on your journey!
I wonder if rejection sorts the writers who are or aren’t compelled to write? Ultimately I write because I have to. It is like stretching, or feeling the sun on my face: I can’t not write. Rejection is horrible, but you get over it. You might learn something from it, even if it is that that editor was not on the same page (ha ha). Sometimes this helps to crystalise where you want to go with a project, as it is not in the direction of that person’s suggestion.
I agree–it can be challenging to get back up after so many, but if you’re compelled to do it, then you’ll keep doing it! Best of luck on your own artistic journey!
Thank you!!
I’ve been writing since I was a child and have had several close instances, I completely feel for your comment about the notification on the phone which sends your imagination way too high. I may have a folder on email special for all my rejection letters, but this lifestyle has grown me into the person I am today and will continue to get back up and dip the pen in ink. Thanks for the great post!
I’m glad you found a way to see the positive in each step of the process! Thank you so much for reading and best of luck on your journey!
thank u for Great post
Thank you so much!
Great piece and so true! I’m going through it right now. My book is out to publishers and I’m getting the nicest passes… The common theme is I know this book will find the right home…but it’s not here. As a non-fiction writer the social media platform plays a big role, and it is not one I’ve mastered. Thank you for sharing your story with us because it really is an important piece of the puzzle in being a published author. 💜💜💜
Aw, I’m sorry you’re struggling right now, but you’re right! It’s all part of the process. Wishing you all the best on your artistic adventures!
Reblogged this on Treasuredbeyondcompare and commented:
Thank you for sharing! I’m just starting to blog myself, so this was very insightful.
Thank you for sharing! I’m an just starting to blog, so this was very insightful.
Thank you! Wishing you all the best on your new blog and journey!
Thank you so much!
I just began a blog, and am an aspiring writer as well. This helped especially from someone who has been in the trenches for a while now. Thank you!
Thank you so much for reading! You’re not an aspiring writer anymore–if you’re writing for a blog, you’re a writer now! I wish you all the best on your artistic adventures!
👏🏾👏🏾 Would love it if you guess checked out my posts and left your opinions.
Will you shoot me an email–that way I’ll have a better chance of responding!
The best advice comes unexpectedly, just when you need it! Good luck with your writing, you’ve got this!
Ah, thank you so much!! Best of luck on your artistic adventures as well!!
Rejection hurts, but it fuels us! First you cry… then you prove them wrong!
Damn straight! Thank you so much for reading–best of luck on your own artistic journey!
I recently heard that Rejection is actually an inherent threat- almost as intense as threat to your life… think of the tribes and communities long ago- if you were cast out, you would literally die… (lack of food/resources/shelter)…. so any kind of rejection can bring up intimate fear and pain…
I absolutely believe that! With writing (or any art!) it’s tough to divorce rejection of the project from rejection of you, but doing so allows us to move forward. Thank you for reading!
Thank you for sharing your experience and feelings! I am not a writer, so I don’t fully understand the the work and heart that goes into that. I am a DIY/decor blogger and I have been rejected or ignored many times. You’re right, it’s not the easy days! The truth is, I appreciate my readers who tell me they saved money by trying one of my projects or they found the confidence to try it themselves, more than a website who just wants fast content for their website. That high is always short-lived, anyway. Sometimes, rejection could have really worked out for the best when I see how my work has been used. I appreciate quality over quantity, but have to remind myself of that on the days I want to throw all my work in the trash.
It sounds like you’re really reaching people! You’re absolutely right that rejection is part of the process, but the trick is understanding that every rejection puts us closer to success! Thank you so much for reading and your kind words–and all the best on your artistic journey!
I absolutely agree with this, thank you for sharing your experience really an eye opener and a great motivation.
Thank you so much for reading and your kind words! Best of luck on your artistic adventures!
Thank you for pushing us To continue to write even it is hard.
It is hard, but you’re right, we have to keep going! Cheers to doing it together! <3
😍😍loved this one.
Thank you so much!!
Reblogged this on A Barista's Take and commented:
Good insight for a beginner with ever-growing concerns and worries of rejection. Great read!
Thank you so much for your kind words! Wishing you all the best on your adventures!
Great read. Just beginning my writing journey and appreciate this advice. Nice!
Thank you so much for reading — wishing you all the best on your journey! <3
Thank you for writing for me to read. I as a beginner writer I like the writing you send, I like it
Thank you very much for your kind words! Best of luck on your writing journey!
I just want to say, thanks for this. It is difficult at times, and it’s good to know that I’m not alone (though sometimes it feels like it!)
Thank you for posting the advice.
Thank you so much for reading and your kind words. I can promise you that every artist goes through this experience many times in their lives and you are no alone. Best of luck on your artistic adventures!
I have yet to start the sending in queries part again but I do remember the rejections I received and how hard it was. I was younger then. But as I enter the process of finishing typing up the story, editing it myself then finding an editor, I brace myself as I think about sending it to agents and publishers but it is my dream to become published so forward I march. I know I’ll get rejected but I will keep them as a reminder that I did it! I got the nerve to once again try to get my work published into a book.
And your article is very well written. I truly enjoyed reading it.
Thank you so much for your kind words! You’re right, it is part of the journey and we just have to keep getting up and trying again! Wishing you all the best on these artistic adventures!
Thank you. And wishing you all the best as well.
Beautiful piece. Rejection sucks, but it’s pretty when the writer doesn’t allow it suck her self esteem.
Aw, I love this! Thank you so much for your kind words–best of luck on your own artistic journey!
Build yourself a fortress out of those rejection letters. Keep on writing, I’m sure I will.
For some prompts and miscellaneous articles (still related to writing), check out my blog here:
Damn straight!! And I’ll definitely take a look for content–would you mind emailing me so I can find it more easily!
Thank you for sharing every word. It’s a dream for me to be a writer, so there are too many things to have in consideration. Again, thanks for the advice!!
Thank you so much for reading! Rejection is part of the process, but if you keep getting up, you can be successful! Good luck on your journey!
Art is subjective. And writing, even analytical writing, is art.
You’re absolutely right!
This is something I have to get better at. Learning to forge on. Thanks for the encouragement!
Thank you for reading! I wish you all the best on your artistic journey!
Beautifully Stated.
Thank you so much! <3
Love your writing style!
Thank you so much for your kind words!
This post was good for me. I needed to hear that you divorced rejection of your work from rejection of you. I need to view life from this vantage point.
I’m glad to hear you were able to take something away! It’s incredibly challenging to make that distinction because we pour our hearts and souls into our work, but we need to! Otherwise every rejection will hurt too much. I wish you the best of luck on your journey!
Thank you for sharing.
Agreed. Been through this rodeo one too many times. After awhile, I decided to take a different path–self publishing.
Thank you for sharing and happy writing.
Congrats! It’s important to follow your own path on this exciting journey! Thank you so much for reading and your kind words–best of luck to you!
Thanks and you as well! 🙂
Great write up Thanks
Rejection is not good at all, it doesn’t matter the circumstances in which it occurred.
Sometimes it comes like a big blow that knocks one down, however, the great thing about it is the ability to get up and move on and not remain on the ground feeling sorry for oneself and becoming depressed. Life goes on after rejection.
You’re absolutely right! Getting up is what separates the women from the girls, so we keep going even when it hurts! Thank you so much for reading and all the best on your own artistic journey!
I find waiting for response the hardest. Enjoyed this read 🙂 best wishes
It’s awful! I’m waiting on some responses right now and it’s so frustrating! Wishing you all the best on your artistic journey–thank you for reading!
A great read! When I wrote my first novel, I was far too young to know what’s worthy of being sent to a publisher and what isn’t and I received countless rejections because I just didn’t know how important the editing phase of a manuscript is.
This is an extremely useful post for people who are struggling to cope with rejections as well as those that wish to send their manuscripts out for submissions. Understand that the road isn’t going to be straight and that someone rejecting your work for publication doesn’t mean that they are rejecting you as a writer! Keep doing what you do and always be on the lookout to learn as much as you can.
Thank you so much for reading and sharing your own stories! It’s absolutely part of the process and remembering that makes it easier to manage every single “no”! I hope your journey is full of yesses from here out and wish you all the best!
Thank you so much for sharing your story. I have been too scared to send my manuscript out into the world of rejection… I don’t even know how to go about submitting a manuscript or to whom I would be sending it too. If you have any advice, or if anyone else does.. I’d love some guidance.
Thank you for reading! It depends on what genre you’re writing! In genre fiction (romance, mystery sci-fi) there’s more opportunity to submit unrepresented (without an agent) than fiction, but there’s opportunities for everyone!
Bold, beautiful,totally loved it♥
Go through my work,m new here,follow and like if you find it captivating 😊
Thank you for reading! Go ahead and shoot me an email so I know where to look!
I have just happened upon your Blogs and love them. I am sure that you will certainly become a better Writer because, for sure, you are a ( good ) Writer already. You have a great easy way of writing that encourages people to keep reading. I think you know the magic formula, you are there already. Maybe you just dont know it… 🙂
Ahh, thank you so much for reading and your incredibly kind words! <3 It makes such a huge difference to hear that readers and writers enjoy what I do and I really appreciate it! <3 <3 best of luck on your own journey as well!
Having worked in Sales, you learn pretty quickly that rejection is normal. ‘No’ is normal, and you’re likely to hear it a lot.
So for me, I don’t really get broken down by it, and we have to remember that when sending a submission, we are ASKING for a yes OR no; we can’t get upset about it!
Amen! It can be challenging to hear all that “no” on artistic work, because it feels like our hearts and souls–but writing is also a business! Separating the rejection of the manuscript from a rejection of ourselves is a big part of it–thank you for your insight!
Welcome 🙂
Rejection is hard to get around, move past, and confront head-on. I’m probably in self-publish mode because of this fear. Maybe it’s time to admit I’m afraid to be rejected, and dive in anyway. Thanks for posting.
It’s nearly impossible to get around rejection–and even as a self-pub author you will come across mean-spirited or ill-informed reviews. But we put ourselves out into the world to tell the stories we love because it’s important to us and that makes it worth it! I do hope you dive in and I wish you strength and luck on your journey! Thank you for reading!
Fair point! Rejection is also part of the creative work
It’s so true! Managing rejection is part of being an artist! Thank you for reading–good luck on your artistic adventures!
Thank you for your candidness and the reality of a writer’s journey. Your piece is so well written. After having stopped writing for a number of years, I’m retired and back to it and did get my first rejection recently. It is humbling, but a good reality check that there are so many of us out there churning away at our pieces and we are all in the same boat. So, yes, we keep on writing because that is what we love to do. And you have expressed so many of our sentiments so accurately!
Thank you so very much for your kind words! I’ve learned (the hard way!) that the only way to the other side is through rejection so that helps me compartmentalize all the “no”, but it’s still so challenging! You’re right though! When it’s important, we keep doing it! I hope you continue to love your writing–and so much luck on your journey!
Thank you so much for this article! I am not a writer, but I am a Graphic Designer but it seems like we have the same struggles. At this moment in life, I needed this to push to move me forward! I too get discouraged with rejection.
Thank you so much for reading! Anytime we share our art with the world, we’re vulnerable and it can be both wonderful and challenging. I wish you all the best on your artistic endeavors! Don’t give up!
Yes, you are so right. The best part is the writing, the worst is the waiting from another unknown person judging your work. But is part of the job.
Amen to both of those points! We could have gotten real jobs, but we’re following our crazy passions! <3
Analogous to its experience that gets you hired but to gain that you need to be hired
Analogous to its experience that gets you hired but to gain that you need to be hired first
You’re not wrong! We keep working until we break the cycle though!
We have a saying in India, “if you work till your bones break then you can eat till your teeth breaks”……… Keep pushing!!!
I like that saying!! Thanks so much for reading and your words of encouragement! Best of luck on your own artistic journey!
Hello, Rejection is nothing more than a figment…..A Self imposed, pre-determined negative expectation which is fueled by an emotional “scar” from the past….A place which no longer exists! ‘Self Worth’ drives what we “project” to know and believe in who we are.
While I appreciate that internal rejection is largely imagined, this was a genuine rejection–as are many that we will face in the industry. I was told no thank you on a project and I will continue to face ‘no thank you’ responses for some time. It is part of being an artist.
Thank You for Your response.
Yes, rejection is imagined…..what we project outward is what we attract. When we are confident in who we are and we project positive, that is what will return. The ‘no thank you’s’ … will too, become a figment. have a blessed journey
Reblogged this on Sabrina Escorcio.
Such an amazing post! Love the way you write 💓
Thank you so much for reading and your kind words! Best of luck on your artistic journey!
I’ve been trying for almost ten years, so I know exactly how you feel. I wish there was some way of knowing what is in their minds when they reject, but over time I’ve just come to accept it as one of life’s vexing mysteries!
Great post, by the way.
It’s all part of the process–as long as we keep going, right? Thank you so much for reading and your kind words–good luck on your artistic journey!
This buttercup right here will keep pushing. This was a great read.
I’m so glad to hear it! Thank you so much for reading and your kind words–good luck on your artistic journey!
This is true, that’s why I write for my own entertainment.
It’s great that you’re happy doing that! Best of luck on your artistic journey!
It’s funny. I write just to clear my mind of thoughts that keep me up at night. But for the past few years … no, actually… lots of years, I have stopped writing because “Life” happened. Eventually I believed that my brain had gone rusty and that I’ve lost my writing skills. Reading your post however encouraged me to brave the scene again. I think I might start writing a bit once more. I could use it as therapy. Thanks for the inspiration! Good luck on your career as well! 🙂
Hi Sam — Thank you so much for your kind words–I find them very inspirational in return! As artists, we have to prioritize creating and telling stories and designing because you’re right, life does get in the way. But it’s who we are! I hope you find a good balance and meet with success and joy on your artistic journey!
By the way. I like your writing style. 🙂
I just want to say how much I loved reading this post! It was refreshing to read someone talk about rejection, especially as a writer. It’s never an easy thing to deal with. It sucks, not only as a writer but also as a person too. Rejection is everywhere, from within our friend groups, in school, on social media and so many other places. It can have a bad impact on us if we don’t learn how to separate ourselves and really dig deep into who we are. It’s all about never giving up! Thank you again!
Thank you so so much for your kind words! The response to this post has been filled with honesty and support and I’m so grateful to you for sharing your own experiences. Thank you for reading–best of luck on your artistic adventures!
Reblogged this on Pattimouse.
Thank you for sharing! I am currently writing my own manuscript and this is inspiring. Fall down seven times, stand up eight!
Thank you so much for reading! You’re absolutely right! Wishing you all the best on your manuscript and artistic journey!
wow nice i love it , thanks for sharing
Really enjoyed reading this! Very relatable, also outside the field of writing.
I feel that sometimes my fear of failure and rejection already disheartens me so much that it’s difficult to even start a new project. But you’re completely right, rejection is part of life even if it sucks. And this piece definitely inspires me to keep trying and keep working hard, so thank you!
Thank you so much for sharing your own story! It’s very much a part of the process–in fact, it means you’re doing in right! Keep getting up one more time and good luck on your artistic journey!
I am a more “for myself” writer so I don’t quite sympathize entirely for your rejections. I will say, however, this is also much like parenting. I have four kids and it is truly the hardest job ever and realizing how much my work does not pay off is much like a rejection. I am equally very appreciative that you have shown us just how to keep moving forward when it seems like everything is a “fail” despite our best efforts! Good read!
Thank you so much for reading and your kind words! You’re right–we can find this message in a lot of things and raising kids is so much like creating great art! It sounds like you have a wonderful family who are so lucky to have you!
I really do, and am so blessed. I am so excited to see more of your writing! I will be reading “aplenty” of you!
Always remember, they’ve got to read a story before they can reject it.
That’s a great perspective! We have to take that leap in order to reach the next step, right? Thanks so much for reading and good luck on your own journey!
Seeing rejection and accepting it are two different things. A part of my thought process thinks that we should accept the rejection with a pinch of salt and just move on. Another part thinks that maybe I should make an effort to remember it and use it as motivation going forward. Y’know in the end I think you need a balance of the two. The problem most writing hopefuls have is that bills need paying and living paycheque to paycheque is hard when the paycheque will be far and little in between. At least in a regular job, if you turn up every working day, you’ll get paid weekly or monthly. I suppose that’s going off on a tangent but what I’m saying is a lot of failed writers give up because they can’t handle the constant rejection and the fear of being broke. I’m not judging! It’s a valid fear if you have a lot of responsibilities and I just think it takes a certain kind of mettle to tough it out as a writer in any capacity. Enjoyed reading this because I know exactly what you’re talking about. I can resonate with this on a writers level and just as a human. Simply put truth.
You’re right on all points! I’m very lucky in that I am able to freelance and bring in money, so rejection isn’t a going to make or break me financially–but the goal is still to support myself writing and it can be tough to take those punches time and again. That said, get knocked down ten times and get up eleven! If we want to be artists in the world, we’re going to have to find a way to manage critique and no thanks–and balance is definitely key! Thanks for reading and much luck on your artistic journey!
Thank you. As a writer just starting out, I will keep this post in mind. It’s nice to know the skyrocketing heartrate is normal when opening an email. 🙂
Absolutely normal! And so is the rejection! It’s a challenging journey but I can promise you it’s worth it–good luck on all your artistic adventures!
Brilliant Hollandrae, I have a few rejection letters from many years ago and gave up. Then with technology and indie author self-publishing, I finally have my work in my hands and it’s a most delicious feeling. Now to venture into marketing … yikes! But hey, I’m 62 and have nothing to lose, so ever onwards and upwards and continue the learning of my craft and my love of writing and designing children’s picture books. And best of all, I have something concrete to leave my children and grandchildren, yay! Your article is heartening and inspiring!
Thank you so much for reading and your incredibly kind words! I’m so pleased to hear you’ve found a way to make your writing and career work for you! It sounds like you’re on a dedicated and incredible path–I wish you all the best on your artistic journey!
Thanks for sharing!
What I find most interesting is the ability to recognise that a rejection on your work is not a rejection of you as a human being. I think I have that part down, I can very much think it wasn’t the right opportunity…on to the next.
How about actual personal rejection i.e romantically, from friends/family. Is it harder for you to pick yourself up buttercup? It is for me and I’m still trying to learn how to best conquer this. Really enjoyed reading thank you 😊
Thank you so much for reading and your kind words! You’re right, it’s so so important to see it as just part of the process. I’m a very emotional person, so I tend to take rejections seriously when they come from people. Sometimes it helps me to improve myself, to be more communicative, more patient or more understanding, and sometimes I try to see it as a way to move forward without negativity or distraction. I think it varies from person to person! Good Luck!
Wishing you good luck! I have to admit that I felt a similar sting my own pieces got rejected. It’s nice to see that there is a more positive outlook to these situations.
Thank you so much for reading and your kind words! It can be so, so hard to get rejection after rejection, but the more we get, the closer we are to a ‘yes’! Wishing you all the best on your own artistic journey!
Thank you 🙂
That’s so true Holland. I could relate to each of your words. Recently I sent a personal essay that I had published in my blog to an editor. Even it was not edited or republished by the person, my mail was acknowledged and answered. I know that editors are super busy and I was happy that at least she had gone through my essay and took time to reply without throwing it to the trash bin just like that.
Congrats on getting a response! You’re so right, it feels great to have our work acknowledged and appreciated. All I can say is, keeping sending out and getting those rejections until the perfect person gets your project! Good luck!
how else can we find the right one.
I think we just keep doing it! Writing has to be an act of passion for writer and editor. When you find the right one, it should just click!
This is EXACTLY what I needed to see today!
Yaya! Rejections happen, but I hope you feel inspired to pick up and keep on writing! Good luck!
Definitely did! Whoot!
Echoing the sentiment that this is what I needed to see today!! Woke up to a rejection email, which totally set the tone for a crappy Monday. But thanks for the suck it up message – it’s a genuinely helpful kick in the butt!
I’m so sorry to hear you’re going through it, but glad that you’re feeling revved and ready to go! Keep your chin up and your sights ahead, my friend! Best of your luck on your artistic journey!
You’ve captured the experience. May I share your article on my Facebook page?
Hi C.M.! Thanks for reading! I’d love for you to share, as long as it links back-thank you for asking!